The Best Feeling in the World (Part 1)

Hey y'all! Welcome back to my b10g. This post is going to be about a topic that varies from person to person, so this is just my list. But I am going to be talking about what the best feeling in the world is IN MY OPINION! There are so many feelings that are just so un-duh-rate-d that I HAD to write a post on it because I want to so yeah, GO ME (jk)

Okay so let's gooooooooooo.

1. Horseback Riding
(Specifically cantering)
This is one of the best feelings EVER. Literally. Just being carried down a line and up-over a fence by a pony is aMAZING. Like, the speed, the thrill, the rhythm, the flight- it's all just breathtaking! I have no idea how people don't like horses, or horse riding. Sometimes it's the only thing that keeps me going, it makes me so happy! And no, I am no-where near the best but it makes me the happiest I am so that is why I continue, and push through any pain of my legs hurting from riding no stirrups, falling off, getting kicked sometimes, or even getting bitten. Some people call me a horse girl, which is fine. It just doesn't make sense how people can hate on what I like to do like it concerns them? Doesn't matter. Now I am going to add in some videos which won't make you fully understand, but it's a start.

Click here for a go-pro video (NOT MINE) Skip to 4:15 for the good part

Here is a video of me (click words)

Another video (Click words)

Okay last video I swear (Ignore comments)

Hahahah you got oofed

2. Boating? Being on the water/beach? I think yes.
Being on the water is an amazing feeling. Weather it's in the ocean, or a lake; anywhere it's an amazing feeling. The wind blowing in your hair, the feeling of salt stinging your lips and eyes and seafoam splashing against your face, it's just amazing. In the beginning of October, I went to Cape Cod. We stayed at the Wequasett Resort. One day we took a boat ride out to the Chatham Fish Pier where we saw the seals getting fed fish. We (me and my family) stopped on the beach along the bay and ran through the water and sand. It was kind of cold, 50*F and we were by the sea, so it was pretty chilly. I would say it was one of the best day's ever. The boat hopped up and down, and the wind whipped against my face. Another thing is every summer, my family rents a boat for a day on Lake Winisquam in NH. My sister and I tube across the lake, griping the handles for life as our Dad does circles in the water and we fly around. It is so much fun. Here are a few videos on this really great feeling.
I took a video of the boat ride and it WAS PERFECT I FILMED IT FOR THIS BLOGPOST BUT I DELETED IT UGH. Anyways, here are a few pics. I have a Facebook post with more but I can't put a link. Part two will come soon! I'm sorry I haven't been posting, I've been busy :/ (Ms. Lewis if you are reading this PLEASE don't fail me)