Pushing Limits

I grew up climbing trees. Always trying to balance on the scary braches. Climbing the tree that the boys said girls can't to because girls don't play football and have tiny arms. I hopped the fence of the ditch and walked on the top of it from post to post. The neighborhood kids thought I was going to fall and die. All I knew was that everyone was watching, and I was doing something risky. That one specific tree in the yard of the yellow house was my favorite. "You aren't a Timari cul de sac kid, you cannot climb that" is what they told me. Left arm. Right arm. Swing left leg. Swing right leg. Pull. It was never about getting the highest. It was about being stable. Like now. I keep my life stable. I get afraid of climbing to new heights physically, but mentally I am always getting higher. When I was a kid, I was known to have crazy ideas. Today, I am known to have crazy ideas. How much do we change as a child? What personality traits change, which ones stay the same? How can we be so mature for our age, but still throw a toddler tantrum when not getitng what we want? We all still have some childhood innocence. Mine? The one of climbing the tree even though the boys said I couldn't. Getting run away from, but making a new game and making everyone come over to me instead and play my game. We were told to stay away from the ditch, because of ticks. I went the farthest into the ditch. All the way to Paquette farm where the farmers picked corn and had tractors. The neighborhood kids told everyone I had ticks and said they were going to tell my mom. I laughed. They feared me because I pushed the boundaries. I did what I was told not to do. Stop following the rules. Stabilize yourself. Go for what makes you confident. Make your own mistakes.