New Beginnings

Hey b10ggers,
High school sucks.
Okay, it doesn't suck that much. It's not that bad. I mean sure, its a LOT of work, but it's not terrible. Now for high school, I don't go to a completely regular high school. My high school is a boarding school as well, so every day I hear a lot of different languages, because we have so many students from different countries.
Mexico, China, Germany, Czech Republic, Rwanda, Australia, Vietnam, Poland, and so many more.
I think that the fact that I love different cultures and experiences so much helps with the fact that transitioning into high school is so hard. Well, many things are harder. Starting in a completely new school in a different state only knowing one other person? Yeah, thats tough.
Any new beginnings can be tough though. Starting a new job, moving to a new place, running away from the Russian mafia to join a new cult that sacrifices pencils, even trying a new food. There is no "this is harder so I am better" kind of rule. New beginnings will always be tough, and you cannot get around that. You can adapt though. 
My friends all went to a different school than I decided to go to. They began to make new jokes, new friends, and hang out without me, which I don't mind, because it was my choice to move, as I would not have succeeded in their high school. Is it hard to balance two friend groups with completely different personalities? Yes. Getting through anything new is tough, but in the end it will work out, I can assure you. 
Also, knowing what is best for you is an important aspect. Maybe all of you friends are going to the movies one night, but you have a ton of homework to catch up on. Guess what? You don't need to go to the movies! Whatever is best for you is the path you need to follow. People admire people who focus on themselves and keep quiet, and chill. This is just facts, and it may not work for you, but its the way the world works and everyone needs to adapt. 
This is just simply my experience trying something new. Yes, you may get made fun of, yes, you may want to surrender to everyone else's opinion, but whatever is best for you is what you need to do. 
Keep going.
Avery Marlowe